For intellitech, it is inevitable to learn about how to learn. Since it is abstract, let’s first think about how to learn a programming language concretely. The learning process of programming is a repetition of three phases: information gathering, modeling, verification.
Fig: Learning process is a repetition of three phases: information gathering, modeling, verification
- [[concrete]] = [[concrete]] phase
- [[information gathering]] = [[information gathering]]
- [[personal experience]] = [[experience]]
- [[abstract]] = [[abstract]] phase
- [[abstraction]] = [[abstraction]]
- [[modelling (e.g. a system, etc.)]] = [[modeling]]
- [[Finding Patterns]] = [[pattern discovery]]
- [[application]] = [[application]] phase
- [[practice]] = [[practice]]
- [[verification]] = [[verification]]
- (0.2.1) Collect information concretely
- (0.2.2) Compare and find patterns
- (0.2.3) Practice and verification
Keywords: learning cycle