Today, due to heavy rain, I switched my booked lesson to online mode. The mode didn’t exist before.

In the online mode, the instructor takes note in digital way.

  • 良いこともあるが悪いこともある
  • 手書きの文字が読めないことはない
  • キーボード入力がおぼつかない人がいる
  • 書いたノートがデジタルなので転記は楽
  • 保存される場所が複数になる問題がある
    • まとめておかないと「受講したはずなのにノートのない日がある」みたいなことになりそう
  • なぜか閲覧期限がある
  • ノートを読み返してみたんだけど

ノート I have been living in Tokyo for 20 years. Which company do you ship your product WITH? Where do you usually store your finished products? Who is selling your products for you? (resellers) Who are you selling your products to? (End users) Gourmet - high class food , usually more expensive It will be easy if it is really your company Yes, our company is doing not so bad. We are currently the second biggest distributor of fruit juices in Japan. How long has your company been using this facility?

Common ground<— something that 2 (or more) parties can agree on. “Both parties can find common ground about xyz issue”

intensely= vehemently (vee-he-ment-lee)<— with great strength or passion intense argument bitter argument diatribe<— strong verbal attack

advertisement (noun)<— some object or some production that advertises something. Commercials, billboards, posters, etc.<— advertisement advertising (verb)<— the act of marketing or creating advertisements

retirement home/retirement community<--- place where older people live

Sorry, I can’t help but disagree<— more polite way to say I disagree What about… XYZ? What if we tried XYZ instead? I see what you mean/ I understand where you are coming from. But, what do you think about XYZ?

Target demographic<— properties of the target group Hit the nail on the head

What is/ Which is the bigger market for your product— men or women?

disposable income<— amount of money we can spend on unimportant things proxy<— a person or party that does something for you indirectly. Advertisement by proxy<—

日記2023-04-25←日記2023-04-26→日記2023-04-27 100日前 日記2023-01-16 1年前 日記2022-04-26