To err is human


  • errare humanum est

English language after Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism of 1711: “To err is human, to forgive divine”


  • Venia dignus error is humanus

    • (Storie, VIII, 35) Cicero
  • is Cuiusvis errare: insipientis nullius nisi, in errore perseverare

  • (Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in his fault) (Philippicae, XII, 2, 5)
  • BC44〜43

But, however, that matter is not open for consideration now; an embassy has been appointed.” But what is there which is not open for consideration to a wise man, as long as it can be remodeled? Any man is liable to a mistake; but no one but a downright fool will persist in error. For second thoughts, as people say, are best. The mist which I spoke of just now is dispelled: light has arisen: the case is plain: we see every thing, and that not by our own acuteness, but we are warned by our friends. You heard just now what was the statement made by a most admirable man. I found, said he, his house, his wife, his children, all in great distress. Good men marveled at me, my friends blamed me for having been led by the hope of peace to undertake an embassy. And no wonder, O Publius Servilius. For by your own most true and most weighty arguments Antonius was stripped, I do not say of all dignity, but of even every hope of safety.

  • しかし、改造できる限り、賢明な人にとって検討の余地のないものがあるだろうか?どんな人でも間違いを犯す可能性はありますが、本当に愚かな人以外は間違いに固執することはありません。人が言うように、考え直しが一番です。先ほど私が話した霧は払われ、光が差し込んできました。事件は明白です。私たちはすべてのことを見ていますが、それは私たち自身の鋭さによるものではなく、私たちの友人が警告してくれているのです。

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