

  • StormはNormとPerformのいつでも起こりうる
  • こっちの方が現実味がある
  • 368件のチームについて調べた結果、このモデルの方がよく当てはまってるという結果になった
    • タックマンモデルに従うケースは6件だけ
  • DAUは大学の名前(Defense Acquisition University)。もうちょっとまともな名前をつけろよ感
  • The development of small, short duration technical teams in particular and technical teams in

  • general appears to follow a variant of the Tuckman model (F<S<N<P). This model, which will

  • be called the DAU model, has three discrete stages (F<N<P) and one continuous

  • Brainstorming stage that takes place over the entire duration of the group. The brainstorming

  • activity can be described as group members challenging each other’s ideas and approaches in a

  • cooperative way with the intention of producing a better product or improving the group’s

  • process (efficiency and productivity).