from pIntEn 「発想法」へのリファレンスを明確に I’ve not been able to find a reference to Kawakita’s 1966 book. I think your translation, “How to create ideas’ needs to be revised. Could you give me a literal translation of the Japanese title?

I’ve just read that Kawakita’s method is described as ‘idea generating’ so I’ll change the title of the book accordingly

Here is the original Kawakita’s book. How should I refer the Japanese book in an English book?

Kawakita: I couldn’t find any reference in English to the 1966 book. I’ll look again, but if it can’t be found, I think you should give the title in Japanese, and then say it is roughly translated as “How to generate ideas’. And perhaps add that although the book was not translated into English, the ideas have influenced western thought. I really do think that a brief background will be helpful.