In Japanese, a person who graduated the university called 社会人. 社会 is society and is person. However society person does not seem natural English. The word 社会人 was used in ( How much time can you spend for learning? in Japanese version.

Replacement candidate:

  • person who graduate university
    • (feel incompatible) Even if a 30-years-old person did not graduate university, he may be 社会人.
  • if you have a full time job
    • (feel incompatible) Even if a 30-years-old person does not have a job, he may be 社会人.

Is it similar to the concept of ”adult?”

I used same word in (5.3) Tuning for busy people, but in this case it just means busy people.

Related: the meaning of a word is its use in the language en.icon