
NG python

import sys
import numba

def recur(t):
    if t == 0:
        return 1
    return t * recur(t - 1)

if sys.argv[-1] == "-c":
    from numba.pycc import CC
    cc = CC('my_module')
    cc.export('recur', 'i8(i8)')(recur)
    from my_module import recur


Untyped global name 'recur': cannot determine Numba type of <class 'function'>

File "", line 7:
def recur(t):
    <source elided>
        return 1
    return t * recur(t - 1)

OK python

def recur(t):

NG python

def main(x):
    def recur(t):

Not Supported

Numba now supports inner functions as long as they are non-recursive and only called locally, but not passed as argument or returned as result. The use of closure variables (variables defined in outer scopes) within an inner function is also supported.