
Compiling code ahead of time — Numba 0.50.0.dev0+236.g64fbf2b-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg documentation

  • The use of yield in a closure is unsupported.

    • NG: dist = min(distances[(goal, dir)] for dir in range(4))
  • Untyped global name 'input': cannot determine Numba type of ...

    • inputは型不明で使えないので読んでからコンパイルした関数に渡す
  • numbaでdefaultdictは使えない

    • dictにしたがgetがらみで型エラーが起きる
    • そもそもタプルをキーにすると型エラーなので整数にパックする必要がある
    • →じゃあ素直に配列使おう
  • Supported Python features — Numba 0.50.0 documentation

  • Supported NumPy features — Numba 0.50.0 documentation

Invalid use of type(CPUDispatcher(<function merge at 0x12be8de60>)) with parameters (array(int64, 1d, A), array(int64, 1d, A), array(int64, 1d, A), array(int64, 1d, A), array(int64, 1d, A), int64, int64, array(int64, 1d, A))

During: resolving callee type: type(CPUDispatcher(<function merge at 0x12be8de60>)) During: typing of call at (96)