ブレインストーミングに関して 音声を使うVerbal brainstorming、 チャットを使うElectronic brainstorming、 参加者が相互作用しないNominal Brainstorming を比較した研究。2001

Electronic brainstorming (EBS) has been proposed as an approach that overcomes the shortcomings of verbal brainstorming (e.g., production blocking, evaluation apprehension, free riding) while stimulating the production of good ideas. Because they work simultaneously and anonymously, members of EBS groups are expected to generate ideas of higher quality than verbal or nominal brainstorming groups (Nunamaker, Dennis, Valacich, Vogel, & George, 1991). However, whereas empirical evidence clearly shows EBS to be superior to verbal brainstorming, the same cannot be said for EBS versus nominal brainstorming. In fact, both studies that compared the quality of ideas generated with EBS and nominal brainstorming groups (Dennis & Valacich, 1994; Valacich, Dennis, & Connolly, 1994) found no differences between the two techniques for small groups.

Nominal Brainstorming


Barki, H. and Pinsonneault, A., 2001. Small group brainstorming and idea quality: Is electronic brainstorming the most effective approach?. Small Group Research, 32(2), pp.158-205. PDF