Whereas traditional philosophical discussions were conducted at the conceptual level, the American-developed Analytic Philosophy began efforts to make discussions more precise. Now, with the powerful tool of computers, Philosophical Discussions can be Empirically Refined. This ability will significantly influence the future of philosophy. If this modest book can indicate that starting point, nothing could be better.


nishio.icon - "Strong statements like 'being at the forefront' or 'no longer needed' can lead to fruitless debates. - I believe philosophers who do not utilize computers in this era are like theologians who refused to look through Galileo's telescope. - [[People Who Don't Look at the Moon Through a Telescope]] - I think that [[Augmenting Human Intelligence with Computers]] is the path civilization will take, and I don't mind if some disagree. However, I don't pay much attention to those who think otherwise.

Translated from 情報学は哲学の最前線 en.iconbashi.icon