from pIntEn How to Read a Book Are you familiar with the classic ‘How to Read a Book’ (1972) by Adler & Van Doren? The terms ‘skimming’ and ‘scanning’, as well as cloze/close reading are familiar to Westerners. Plus, Adler and Van Doren distinguish the following levels of reading:

  • Elementary Reading (ability to recognize and string together written words and sentences and to extract the surface meaning);
  • Inspectional Reading (ability to skim, get the gist of a book in a limited amount of time);
  • Analytical Reading (ability to extract the larger points made by a text) and finally,
  • Syntoptical Reading (complex, systematic, comparative reading — the ability to read a book while holding it in a larger context — or, the ability to read more than one book at a time) (pp.17-18).

nishio.iconI didn’t know about ‘How to Read a Book’ (1972). Interestingly the Japanese translation was by Toyama Shigehiko in (4.5.2)