
これはSeven management and planning tools - Wikipediaの1つ

  • Affinity Diagram (KJ method)
    • Affinity diagrams are a special kind of brainstorming tool that organize large amount of disorganized data and information into groupings based on natural relationships.
    • It was created in the 1960s by the Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita. It is also known as KJ diagram, after Jiro Kawakita. An affinity diagram is used when:
      • You are confronted with many facts or ideas in apparent chaos.
      • Issues seem too large and complex to grasp.
  • Interrelationship diagram
  • Tree diagram
  • Prioritization matrix
  • Matrix diagram
  • Process decision program chart
  • Activity network diagram


  • Heverly, M.A., 1991. Total Quality Management: Institutional Research Applications.によれば
    • Brassard, M. (1989) The Memory Jogger Plus. GOAL/QPC: Methuen, Massachusetts. が詳しいそうだ
  • image
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