チームサイズは5〜7人が限度だとする考え Jeff Bezos

  • If a team couldn’t be fed with two pizzas, it was too big.

If Bezos’s personality is decidedly noncorporate, so are some of his ideas about how to run a large organization. One of Bezos’s more memorable behind-the-scenes moments came during an off-site retreat, says Risher. “People were saying that groups needed to communicate more. Jeff got up and said, ‘No, communication is terrible!’ ” The pronouncement shocked his managers. But Bezos pursued his idea of a decentralized, disentangled company where small groups can innovate and test their visions independently of everyone else. He came up with the notion of the “two-pizza team”: If you can’t feed a team with two pizzas, it’s too large. That limits a task force to five to seven people, depending on their appetites. https://www.fastcompany.com/50106/inside-mind-jeff-bezos-5 2007年以前にはこの記事しか見つからない(08.01.04という表記が2004年なのか2008年なのかは曖昧だが、ページ末にA version of this article appeared in the August 2004 issue of Fast Company magazine.と書いてあったので2004年)

2018年 Jeff Bezos’ ‘2 pizza rule’ can help you hold more productive meetings 当初はチームのメンバーの人数の話だったが、この頃にはミーティングの参加人数の話になっている。
