Excellence can also be made by crossover. For example, let’s imagine the person A who is the most detailed about field X in your department. Well, who is the person most familiar with field X in the world?

image crossover of field and organization

Many people who are familiar with field X in the world. There is a high possibility that someone who is more familiar than Alice will be in the world. However, Alice is a member of this department and who is most familiar with this field X. There is an intersection of two sets. In this way, we narrow down the area, it is relatively easy to be the best.

Let’s see it from the viewpoint of those who choose a candidate. There will be a number of restaurants around your house. Let’s think about the most delicious restaurant A among them. There will be a better restaurant in the world. However, it is not realistic to go abroad by airplane when you think about eating lunch on a holiday. You will choose the best restaurant from the limited candidates around the house.