The search strategy was a strategy that focused on my inner “enthusiasm will come up” or not. On the other hand, let’s focus on the outside of yourself in this section. In the classification of management strategy, a strategy to analyze surrounding situations and occupy an advantageous place by comparing the situations where you are located to “place” (position) is called “positioning school” (*10). Similarly in this section, let’s pay attention to the circumstances that you are setting right now, 5 meters around yourself.

Do you remember the “trade-off between utilization and exploration” learned in ( Exploration-exploitation tradeoff. It was a story that it was impossible to use the knowledge obtained by only exploring. The reason for saying that the search strategy is for students is that students are “positions to learn” in society’s common wisdom and can use ample time for exploration. Meanwhile, there are more pressure for workers “working” “to earn money”, and more people are suffering from “no time to learn” than the students.

The daily lives of working people are business. A business is satisfying someone’s demand and getting that price. What society people should learn first, it is “efficiency of work being done now”. By making work more efficient, we can afford time and invest in that new learning.

I call this strategy ”expanded reproduction of knowledge” strategy. Expanded reproduction means investing in profits such as production equipment when a company makes a profit, and using that equipment to make further profits. I will do the same thing as an individual strategy.

The “expanded reproduction of knowledge” strategy consists of three elements.

  • Get time with knowledge and invest the time to acquire knowledge
  • Get money with knowledge and invest the money to acquire knowledge
  • Obtain a position with knowledge and acquire knowledge using that position

Knowledge and time and money exchange will be easy to image. So I will give some examples on getting a position.

For example, if you have a reputation within the company that you are a person familiar with field A, counseling on field A will concentrate on you. By doing this, you get more and more information on the application of knowledge of field A.

As another example of knowledge acquisition using a position, let’s think about what you can learn efficiently in the current position. For example, if you have seniors familiar with field B, you may learn field B efficiently by taking advantage of the current position. Explicitly asking for teaching is also a hand, it is also a hand to imitate by observing work.

*10: Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J.B., 2020. Strategy safari. Pearson UK. *11: Of course, if you take on all the requests that come in, you won’t have time to reinvest in your business. Choose the ones that are likely to lead to results and take them on. Use the fact that you have a lot of requests as a reason to refuse other requests. We learned about proactive task selection in (2.2.4) Prioritize important tasks.