Right now I am doing an intellectual production task: ”writing a book.” *1 This task is also too big to estimate time.

If we regard writing as a big task, writing motivation is difficult to keep. Therefore it is common to divide the task into each chapter and set the deadline for each chapter. However, the task of writing one chapter is still too large. I can not finish it in 4 hours. *18

To motivate this big task “writing a book,” I broke down the task into the following three phases.

- 1: Make notes of the idea as [[fusen]]s. *2
- 2: Rearrange fusens and organize a composition
- 3: Make a manuscript based on the composition

A good point of this method is, we can do the first phase even in fractional time. For example, you can make notes even in a commuter train.

Writing a book from nothing is a very heavy task. However, if there are hundreds of fusens, organizing and converting them into sentences is not such a heavy task. I explain the method in detail in Chapter 5.

  • *1: For this English version, I am doing ”translating a book into English.”
  • *2: fusen = Small piece of paper with weak glue (in Japanese), Post-it (Registered trademark of 3M), or Sticky (in American English)
  • *18 I already spent more than 4 hours