There are people who have only one task but cannot motivate themselvs. I asked them whether the task is to finish within 4 hours. 58% of them answered “no.” The task is too large, in other words, the goal is too far. We need to make the goal closer to keep the motivation.

Moreover, 75% of those who answer “no” do not understand how long the task takes. (*17)

They feel as if the task is big because they did not estimate the size of the task. The feeling decreases motivation.

  • Footnote *17:
    • To be precise, the denominator is A - C below.
    • A: People who answered that the task would not end within 4 hours
    • B: 52% of A: Those who were able to answer what they do in the first 25 minutes (= small task)
    • C: 58% of B: Those who are motivated to do the small task