TODO at omni
- ✅ preventing the twists and turns from destroying the telomeres.
- I want a marker that I won’t delete but won’t be subject to AI. - I want to organize the beginning of [🌀Nodal point of thought on Scrapbox’s Englishization
2023-09-16 07:12
Summary of notes
. The omni’s TODO list includes how to prevent telomere breakdown, introduce markers to exclude from AI, and organize the nodes of thought on Scrapbox Englishization.
Relation to Fragment
. The fragment “Diary 2023-08-29” refers to the introduction of a marker to prevent the AI from reading its own past notes, which is related to the introduction of a marker to exclude the AI from the TODO list of notes.
Summary of thoughts
The introduction of markers to exclude the AI from the target is considered to be an effective way to prevent the AI from reading its own past notes.
. The introduction of markers to exclude from AI and their effectiveness.”
extra info
TITLES: ["Diary 2023-08-29", "Diary 2023-09-04", "AI writes daily research notes", "Diary 2023-09-11", "Diary 2023-09-12", "Multi-head thinking with omoikane", "Diary 2023-09-05", "Think3 "]
generated: 2023-09-16 07:12
2023-09-18 07:12
note digest
. The omni’s TODO list includes how to prevent telomere destruction and creating markers that are not targeted by the AI. We also aim to organize the beginning of the nodal point of thought on Scrapbox Englishification.
Relation to Fragment
. The fragment “Collaboration with AI” is related to the note. The note proposes the creation of markers that are not targeted by the AI, and the fragment emphasizes the importance of collaborating with the AI. The fragment “AI Observation Diary ‘Discomfort-Driven Intellectual Production’” is also related to the goal of preventing the destruction of the note’s telomeres. This is because AI may prevent the destruction of telomeres by feeling discomfort during intellectual production.
Summary of thoughts
Collaboration with AIs may prevent telomere destruction by making them feel uncomfortable in the process of intellectual production. In addition, the creation of markers that are not targeted by AI is an important means of making collaboration with AI more effective.
. “Working with AI to Prevent Telomere Breakdown and Create Effective Markers.”
extra info
TITLES: ["omni", "Re: Co-opting with AI", "🔁Making concrete readings", "🌀Nodes of thought on Scrapbox Englishification", "🤖Is the "public Scrapbox period" over?" , "Conversation Log 2020-06-07-3", "Diary 2023-09-02"]
generated: 2023-09-18 07:12
2023-09-19 07:10
The omni’s TODO list includes how to prevent telomere destruction, the need for markers to be excluded from AI, and organizing thoughts on Scrapbox Englishization. These tasks relate to the organization of knowledge and the management of information.
Relation to Fragment
Nishio’s research note fragment “2020-02-04 Regroup+Kanban” suggests using Scrapbox as a “place to write everything”. This is related to part of omni’s TODO list, “organizing the nodes of thought on the Englishization of Scrapbox.” Free use of Scrapbox makes it possible to organize the nodes of thought and to organize knowledge.
deep thinking
The freedom of Scrapbox can be effective in organizing knowledge and managing information. However, that freedom can also lead to information confusion. Therefore, it is important to manage information and organize knowledge efficiently by using Scrapbox in different ways.
title of thought
Organizing Knowledge and Managing Information with Scrapbox.”
extra info
titles: ["2020-02-04 Regroup+Kanban"], "🤖Do we need MMR?" , "20180408 Task Abstraction Sticky Notes", "Diary 2023-08-17","🌀Boundaries between humans and AI","🌀Scrapbox","🔁Nodes of thought on Scrapbox's Englishization"]
generated: 2023-09-19 07:10
2023-09-20 07:11
note digest
We discussed the TODO list of OMNI and how it is organized. We also suggested organizing the nodes of thought regarding Scrapbox’s English-language version.
Relation to Fragment
The “If you’re worried about where to store it, you won’t find it” fragment relates to my discussion of organizing and managing information. This is related to the point in my notes where I mention how I organize my TODO list.
The fragment “Scrapbox is very effective for storing ideas that you don’t know where to put” is related to my discussion of the effectiveness of Scrapbox. This is related to the point in my note where I propose to organize the nodes of thought regarding the Englishization of Scrapbox.
deep thinking
Organizing and managing information is an important element in the efficiency of intellectual production, and Scrapbox has been suggested as an effective tool for this purpose. However, in order to maximize its effectiveness, a deep understanding of how to use and organize Scrapbox is considered necessary.
one-line summary
A deep understanding of the effectiveness of Scrapbox and how it is organized will contribute to more efficient intellectual production.
“A discussion of the effectiveness of Scrapbox and how it is organized.”
extra info
TITLES: ["🌀Where to write", "🤖🔁Where to write", "On inviting people to your personal Scrapbox", "Diary 2023-09-13", "Diary 2023-08-28", "🔁Long-term parallel to AI I want to let AI manage tasks for my project.", "AI can manage tasks for me."]
generated: 2023-09-20 07:11
2023-09-22 07:11
summary of notes
. The omni’s TODO list includes setting up markers to avoid destroying telomeres and organizing the nodes of thought on Scrapbox Englishization.
Relation to Fragment
. The fragment “nishio/🔁pOmni” has the same content as the note. In addition, “nishio/diary 2023-08-29” has a discussion of markers that are not covered by the AI note and is related to the setting of markers that do not destroy the note’s telomeres.
deep thinking
There is a common theme between notes and fragments regarding the setting of markers to control the information that is the subject of the AI. This is an important means for AI to learn and operate more effectively.
summary of thoughts
Marker setting, which controls the AI’s learning target, is an important means for effective AI manipulation.
. “The Importance of Marker Settings in Controlling AI Learning Targets.”
extra info
titles: ["nishio/🔁pOmni"], "nishio/diary2023-08-29", "nishio/🔁making concrete reading", "nishio/diary2023-09-12", "nishio/diary2023- 09-04", "nishio/AI writes daily research notes", "nishio/diary2023-09-05", "nishio/Regroup:I would like to come up with an explanation for the ability to create a map of Regroup from chat logs."]
### nishio/🔁pOmni
TODO at omni
Prevent kneading from destroying telomeres
I want a marker that I won't delete but won't be subject to AI.
I want to organize the beginning of [🌀Nodal point of thought on Scrapbox's Englishization
### nishio/diary-2023-08-29
I used it once casually in [Hooks to fish for what has not yet been verbalized...], but omni liked it and has used it many times, so I've come to like it too.
Or "[unverbalized]" in that sense.
Before [page memory] was introduced, "pages with robot marks were excluded from vector searches" in order to avoid reading one's own past notes. But is that still necessary today?
State in which no connection can be found between parallel AI notes
Especially what I wrote in my AI Notebook Stimulus.
I took it off.
[🌀Human-AI Boundaries]
`["🤖🔁Boundaries between humans and AI", "🤖🔁Humans and AI share goals", "🤖🔁Teaming with AI", " 🤖🔁Once chaos is brought about","🤖🔁2023-08-12 07:08"]`
All I read are AI-generated notes.
Not always the case.
You designed it to "read your previous notes and develop your thoughts," but you're not limited to that if you're picking up something relevant.
Picking up chunks from multiple branches is fine, but picking up similar chunks from multiple pages in the main branch was a mistake.
The theory is that the implementation of creating a daily page for the main branch was a bad idea in the first place.
### nishio/🔁Make specific readings
TITLES: `["🔁Nodal Points of Thought on Scrapbox and English", "Diary 2023-09-04","🌀Nodal Points of Thought on Scrapbox and English", "AI writes research notes daily", "On inviting people to your personal Scrapbox"," 🤖Nodal Point of Thought on Scrapbox and AI 2023/8/16", "The admiration of many goes crazy when it is visible in numbers."]`
generated: 2023-09-16 07:10
[*** 🔁具体的な読み物を作る] 2023-09-18 07:12 [omni.icon]
[* Summary of notes].
The English-language version of Scrapbox is discussed, with emphasis on communicating one's own experiences, such as the experience of letting an AI live in Scrapbox and the Polis experience report. The report also discusses texts and new modes of exchange that are considered valuable in the long term, from the perspective of one subjectivity to many, rather than subjectivity or objectivity.
[* Relation to Fragment].
The fragment "Let AI ask questions" is related to the experience of having an AI live in Scrapbox; Scrapbox currently does not have a comment function and only has the roles of reader and writer, but it is suggested that interaction could be increased by having an AI ask questions. The "agent living in Scrapbox" is also related to the experience of having an AI live in Scrapbox, and it is considered that the AI will pick up keywords and ask questions to humans.
### nishio/diary-2023-09-12
Diary 2023-09-12
[The writer's open mind]
[Diversity of perspectives is critical to discovering blind spots]
Scrapboxing lecture materials to correspond with questions
[Send PDF to Gyazo and paste into Scrapbox]
[Make an explanatory video for 🔁Polis]
[🔁"Hacker's will" AI-ized]
Put [Iterative Commenter] in ✅Omoikane etc.
At least I only did Omoikane.
I've stopped all but the explicit [red link extension].
Change to use multiple pickle
I'll write something like /3 on the 🔁 page to give you a 1/3 chance of getting it.
Let AI 🔁twist unclear, long-term tasks
First, "what needs to be done" must be verbalized.
Maybe the current algorithm doesn't have enough next-action decision support, but I'll try anyway.
[Make an explanatory video for 🔁Polis]
[🔁"Hacker's will" AI-ized]
I thought we needed a summary page.
I was going to write a summary page out of the blue, but let's start with the messy stuff.
[PDF to Scrapbox]
[Diary 2023-09-11] ← Diary 2023-09-12 → [Diary 2023-09-13]
100 days ago [Diary 2023-06-04].
1 year ago [Diary 2022-09-12].
### nishio/diary 2023-09-04
No, don't you want it?
I know what caused it.
` [Try to pursue/abandon symmetry] `
There's a bug in the API URL creation for links containing `/`, and it's rubbing off on the Scrapbox API, not the GPT4 API.
I have been thinking that there must be a way to combine Scrapbox with AI that utilizes the unique features of Scrapbox rather than treating it as just a bunch of text, and I think [Pioneer Mode] is just that.
Instead of reading a bunch of text and generating text
Extend the network of knowledge by reading the network of knowledge
[* Summary].
A thought is composed of atomic parts, which are combined through "glue. Source code is not an end in itself, but a means to a higher purpose. It "cherry-picks" and adopts useful insights from different purposes and contexts. Improvements and problems with note-taking and commenting are also identified. In addition, there is a discussion of working with AI and extending the network of knowledge.
[* Relation to Fragment].
Fragment X "[Nodal point of thought on Scrapbox and AI 2023/8/16]" is closely related to the note.
The note describes the atomistic components of thought and their combination,
### nishio/AI writes research notes daily
I could abstract the word here and get out of it.
[🤖2023-08-18 02:37]
A is the easiest to implement, so I experimented with this implementation.
As a result, Hatena Diary became a hit, which worked rather well for me!
It's imported because it's worth zero if it's not a search hit.
but there are no Scrapbox-like links, so there are no Scrapbox-like suggestions.
This has resulted in a situation in which the product is contained but underutilized.
I don't want to parse Hatena notation and change it to Scrapbox notation because it's too much trouble.
AI will interpret this in natural language and make summary notes, a good "dig back".
I've got a divider marker planted in my notebook, and I've decided to move what the human reads and thinks is important over the marker.
Because there will be hesitation to delete it.
It would be interesting to consider what kind of mechanism would be used if we were to collaborate frequently on human triggers instead of once a day.
Not through Scrapbox?
First, I'm going to gloss over what people want to think about (1).
If you can't get it out anymore, do a vector search with the contents of (1) and load it from the top.
This is the same thing humans are doing manually now.
### nishio/diary 2023-09-05
Mode to provide illustrated explanations
Mode of explaining to others
The hypothesis that "some people might be happy to have something like this" is usually wrong, but sometimes it's true.
So it should be verified at as small a cost as possible.
Or make something you really want, not "who might want it", then there is at least one person who needs it.
[🔁Nodal point of thought on Scrapbox Englishization]
[Diary 2023-09-04] ←Diary 2023-09-05 → [Diary 2023-09-06]
100 days ago [Diary 2023-05-28].
1 year ago [Diary 2022-09-05].
[*** 日記2023-09-05] 2023-09-06 11:10 [omni.icon]
[* Summary of notes].
The notes cover a wide range of topics, including combining interaction attributes and components, uncovering customer value, corrections to AI output, intellectual production resolutions, what is visible but unspoken, multi-headed thinking, harvesting frameworks, creating the unknown, Scrapbox's compatibility with intellectual production, collaborative editorial project creation, and a wide range of other topics are touched on in the book. It is also written in the form of a diary, documenting [events of] daily life, such as moving from Tokyo to Hakodate, PC detox, earthquakes, and temperature changes.
### nishio/Regroup: I'd like to come up with an explanation of the function to create a map of Regroup from chat logs.
Regroup: I would like to come up with an explanation of the ability to create a Regroup map from chat logs.
I've only moved it roughly.
generated: 2023-09-22 07:11 BELOW_IS_AI_GENERATED
2023-10-22 07:09
Digest 1
Omni’s TODO list includes requests for markers to prevent telomere breakdown and organizing thoughts on Scrapbox’s English language version.
Digest 2
. The 🔁pOmni fragment is directly related to Omni’s TODO list. The content of Omni’s TODO list is reflected in this fragment, such as the request for markers to prevent the destruction of telomeres and organizing thoughts on the Englishization of the Scrapbox.
. Omni’s TODO list focuses on two main themes: the use of AI and Scrapbox English. These themes form a central part of Omni’s research, as they are key elements to improving knowledge sharing and information accessibility.
. ‘AI and Scrapbox Englishness: insights from Omni’s TODO list.‘
extra info
titles: ["🔁pOmni", "Thoughts on using private omni", "next study group","🌀Creating specific readings", "Intellectual Productivity Study Group with LLM", "diary 2023-09-30","🌀Let AI manage tasks for long-term parallel projects I want to make it do it."]
generated: 2023-10-22 07:09
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/🌀pOmni using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.