Old title: 🤔Value Hypothesis Sheet Questionnaire
- Consider Template chatbotization of [Value Hypothesis Sheet
First we need to formulate the question. The original sheet implicitly assumes software, but it’s a bad bias to limit the way the issue is solved to being a function of software. There are four blank spaces on the original sheet, but the lines are pretty empty, so I feel like I should fill them in a bit more if I’m going to ask a question.
(User) ________ is
(desire) ________ (do) but
(Assignment) ________ (not) so
(Product features)________(thing) worthwhile.
Who are your customers?
What would that person like to see happen?
What needs to happen for that to happen?
What challenges are there out there?
Which ones will solve that challenge?
Who are your customers?
What would that person like to see happen?
What needs to happen for that to happen?
How can I do that?
Can you do it?
- They cut out the word “issues.”
What kind of person is it for?
What would that person like to see happen?
What needs to happen for that to happen?
How can I do that?
You can do it, but you have to be careful not to > make it too difficult for them to find the right place.
- The word “customer” has been deleted.
The “Again” command
- Repeat several times
- There are two paths: “things” and “events.”
How can I do that?
- This is a “what would be the right thing to do?” is sometimes appropriate.
What needs to happen for that to happen?
- This is another one of those “what do you need?” could be.
Can you do it?
- It’s not appropriate that this is the last question I have for you.
- Tends to lead to “yes or no” answers, which are not appropriate questions when you move into in-depth mode immediately afterwards
- What can you do to make that happen?” is better.
There are two ways to say “thing” and “phenomenon.”
partition a path
It’s based on a value hypothesis sheet, but it’s not really a value hypothesis bot.
- Maybe “support for proposals to create.”
ver6 - The first question should be made with the expectation that it will be in the title of the log. - > “This mode supports proposals to make. What kind of things are you thinking of making?”
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/✅作る提案支援モードを作る using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.