
Experiment started on 2022-03-07

  • impetus - Write a sentence and then give it a title. I tried that and found it beneficial.
    • Wouldn’t it be beneficial to [Name the project after the pages are gathered.
  • explanation
    • The project has not yet been named.
      • Names will be decided after 100 pages are completed.nishio.icon
        • When you get to page 99, you’ll see a page that says, “[So, what’s the appropriate name for this project?” a page called “What is the appropriate name for this project?
      • I cannot predict what will happen with this project.nishio.icon

The experiment was conducted from 2022-04-03 to 2022-04-09 at [/unnamed-project/chat1 beginning-chat page](https://scrapbox.io/unnamed-project/chat1 beginning-chat page).

[/unnamed-project/ can run as a joint editing project if there are two people who write it](https://scrapbox.io/unnamed-project/ can run as a joint editing project if there are two people who write it).


This page is auto-translated from /nishio/unnamed-project using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.