Thanks @0xtkgshn @rickshinmi and Seki, panelists, sponsors and staff!
- Plurality in the national context is the next barrier, I think, in the rationale (legitimacy) for selecting “policies that can’t fail”.
- The open source context is well, well, it’s a good fit.
- I was happy to see Alga try that wall, and I wanted him to keep trying.
- I mentioned “Legitimacy = accessibility x path dependence” in
- My grandfather does not even try to use Google Maps. This is not because he can’t use it, but because it is ingrained in his life to have a map of the neighborhood in his mind and sync the map through mutual conversation, and such path dependency (a kind of bias or corporeality) cannot be ignored, and the national context’s Plurality is trying not to look at that, and there is a
- I think it’s bottom-up through consensus, not top-down unanimous consensus.
- I tried to include a meme that micropublics (mesh network of Alga) is Plurality (Panarchy) for the governance of a country for the first time, but I responded that it might be difficult to accept it as a meme unless Alga itself has the atmosphere of using QV to the fullest. I had a feeling that it would be difficult to accept it as a meme unless Alga itself has an atmosphere of overuse of QV.
- I could use the $ALGA’s new issue quota community to vote on the QV or something.
- “I thought there was a debate about whether to stretch from QV=Plurality or not.
shogochiai And thanks to SmartNews for providing the venue. The context is now connected. @kensuzuki
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/shogochiaiの思考の結節点2023-04-13 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.