takahiroanno My wife is exasperated. I woke up this morning and she was #1 on the leaderboard for the game “Polytopia”. It’s beyond Elon Musk.
- Takahiro Yasuno
takahiroanno In “Elon Musk” by Walter Isaacson, a workaholic named Elon was so addicted to a strategy game called “Polytopia” In the book, he talks about how he was so addicted to a strategy game called “Polytopia” that he skipped work. In the book, the strength of Polytopia is a kind of KPI. Eron seems to have a very strong polytopia, and the engineers who rebuilt Twitter are also described as having a strong polytopia. There are rumors that he learned the “art of doing business” from Polytopia, such as “Don’t expand the front too far. Since then, my wife and I have been addicted to Polytopia. …
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