old title: pUnnamed prev pScrapboxAutoTrans2023-03-25 (pScrapboxAutoTrans / ScrapboxAutoTrans)
Decent within 3 weeks.
What is sane?
- The translation of “NISHIO Hirokazu” on the self-introduction page is subtle.
Automatically import into Scrapbox first.
Ideally, it would be good to connect to mem.nhiro.org, but we’ll start with an easy step.
I want to Tweet activity digests automatically.
First of all, “Output Tweet contents to a file” and “Tweet by a human being”.
- 4/7
I’m disappointed to see the Scrapbox machine translation result and see that it is translated as “NISHIO Hirokazu” from the very beginning.
- The case of the automatic import not working and leaving it alone.
ClientResponseError: 503, message='Service Unavailable', url=URL('https://scrapbox.io/api/page-data/import/nishio-en.json')
- I’m not sure what to do about it because I don’t know the details.
- This time it was “Is the problem that the JSON is too large?” and I narrowed it down to 100 entries, but got the same error.
- To begin with, the TS implementation of Scrapbox-Duplicator causes an error because the file size is too large. :
% deno run --allow-net=scrapbox.io --allow-read=./ --allow-env import_to_scrapbox.ts
A new release of Deno is available: 1.32.2 → 1.32.4 Run `deno upgrade` to install it.
Importing 14726 pages to "/nishio-en"...
error: Uncaught (in promise) MulterError when importing pages: File too large
const error = new Error();
at file:///Users/nishio/etude-github-actions/import_to_scrapbox.ts:31:19
- I narrowed it down to 100 cases and it worked. :
% deno run --allow-net=scrapbox.io --allow-read=./ --allow-env import_to_scrapbox.ts
A new release of Deno is available: 1.32.2 → 1.32.5 Run `deno upgrade` to install it.
Importing 100 pages to "/nishio-en"...
import success! - 100 pages
I can keep the data from the last update and only import the differences…
- ✅
This issue translated as NISHIO Hirokazu on the self-introduction page is subtle.
- You could also put it in the glossary at DeepL
- Better to do so in the future.
- However, mistranslations in already-translated material are judged as “already translated, so you don’t need to translate them”, so they are not updated then.
- So either way, the cache containing the mistranslation needs to be corrected or deleted.
- Matches in string search were corrected with replace.
- Maybe in the vast majority of cases this is the right thing to do.
- ✅
- You could also put it in the glossary at DeepL
Bring it up to a level where it is not embarrassing to show English speakers, “This is my Scrapbox.
- Once that’s done, the next step is to merge vector search with GPT-4.
- Making my Scrapbox vector search available to everyone isn’t quite as high a priority, is it?
When you were thinking about Scrapbox auto-translation before, there wasn’t an inter-project link yet?
- I wondered how to map the English article to the Japanese article, but I thought, why not just add a link to the automatically translated page that says “Original page is here”? It turned out to be a good idea.
- ✅
- I use the value of title when linking to a Japanese project, but then the link does not connect when it contains spaces, etc., so it is necessary to escape it correctly.
Yay, it’s done!
@nishio: dead!
batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access. Ha, I’m running out of 1GB slots.
- At any rate, I charged $5/month and it looks like I’ll get 50GB, so I did.
`Unlike a blog, the main [reader is myself]. It’s “Unlike a blog, the main reader is myself.
- The page title is
reader is self
- The auto-run was successful.
from /villagepump//nishio/pUnnamed(temporary).
- ScrapboxTranslatorでは↓の方法で対処して上手く行きました(失敗ケースを観測していない)
- translate all the titles into English first, and then create a table for Japanese-English correspondence
- mechanically replace links in the text with English
- throw a sentence whose link has already been replaced by English into ChatGPT and translate it
- Not sure if this will work at DeepL
- Oooh, that’s helpful! >失敗ケースを観測していない
- ScrapboxTranslatorでは↓の方法で対処して上手く行きました(失敗ケースを観測していない)
A: len(cache) has 220,000
- Since this is a dict, O(1)
- It contains all lines, not just the title, but it’s O(1), so we’re not going to worry about it.
- Since this is a dict, O(1)
B: Extract link notation py
>>> re.findall("\[.*?\]", "aaa[bbb]ccc[ddd]eee")
['[bbb]', '[ddd]']
- This would hit the contents of the code notation, but we're not going to worry about that.
Find B from A and replace it if there is a translation
Uh, “The Reader is Me” isn’t even the page title to begin with.
- This is the pattern.
Links collected using
.- There are 25,000 cases.
- I ran the translation for now.
2023-04-22 :
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 25321/25321 [4:37:38<00:00, 1.52it/s]
total 565897 no_cache 277634 ratio 0.4906087150135095
translate: 16659.303921374958
>[https://twitter.com/tkihira/status/1269780950105206787?s=21 @tkihira]: In [Weinberg]'s famous book "The Road to Super Engineer", he talks about how to face [temporary I remember it strongly as one of the most important stories in my own life.
['https://twitter.com/tkihira/status/1269780950105206787?s=21 @tkihira', 'Weinberg', 'temporary decline in competence']
>[https://twitter.com/tkihira/status/1269780950105206787?s=21 @tkihira]: In the famous book by [Weinberg] called "The Road to Super Engineer", he introduced a story about how to face [Temporary decline in competence] when learning a new technology, and it is strongly remembered as an important story in my mind.
It’s luck whether you can translate it well or not.
In the meantime, I’m busy today and tomorrow, so I’ll let this run.
- Third idea
- Remove the link notation from the line and translate it as plain text, and if the result contains “translated link content”, convert it to a link, if not, append it to the end.
2023-04-23 :
%run translate.py
cache length: 229791
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 14760/14760 [7:17:20<00:00, 1.78s/it]
total 29581111 no_cache 2492102 ratio 0.08424639628984862
translate: 26244.572622375097
Looks like they only had to retranslate about 8 percent.
- I wish I could quantitatively determine if it’s getting better.
Import failed.
- I redid it and it worked.
- mystery
works well
Continuous Translation
next: pContinuousTranslation2023-04-27
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/pScrapboxAutoTrans2023-04-18 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.