prev pEnglish2023-12-12
English translation Quartz line, pending
- Quartz is infinitely customizable, so I’m tempted to customize it, and my focus is blurred.
/nishio-gptGot it.
- Run alongside /nishio-en and swap if you think this one is better.
13379/17510 pages are Japanese titles
2023-12-14 See the top 50 most frequently appearing page titles :
[(409728, 't'),
(328529, 'a'),
(264644, 's'),
(40320, 'en'),
(18467, 'shio'),
(17684, 'nishio'),
(15917, 'ing'),
(5382, 'Scrapbox'),
(5211, 'language'),.
(4129, 'Q')]
A few funny ones.
Investigation of Scrapbox link information
- Link information is not included in the exported JSON
- Metadata not included when set to true
- If :pagetitle, you can get it.
- Both red and blue links are included in the LINKS
- Links to non-persistent pages are not included in relatedPages/links1hop
- This includes backlinks
- Not persistent, but the blue link is included in relatedPages/links2hop because the 2hop link is connected.
- Only linksLc is available.
- links is not lowercased.
- I can finally identify blue and red links.
- About External links
- projectLinks does not include backlinks
- relatedPages/projectLinks1hop contains backlinks.
- Not included?
- Ah, I get it, the API returns different information depending on the browser’s logged-in user information.
- So it’s included when you hit the API in the browser and observe it, and it’s not included when you hit the API without loading the credentials from the script.
- Ugh, what a pain in the ass!
- Pending!
- Link information is not included in the exported JSON
What we were trying to do is to ensure that the link title is always translated consistently to guarantee that the link is not broken by translation
I was implementing that approach, but then I thought, “Hey, if the page is connected by a two-hop link, wouldn’t it be possible to just translate the page title, since the page doesn’t exist?” I thought.
- That’s right.
- So, I’m pretty sure I got the blue links + red links on all pages and translated them.
- I see, I thought that including the red link would increase the volume considerably, but you did it.
- I see, I thought that including the red link would increase the volume considerably, but you did it.
- That’s right.
Ranking of the number of other pages containing the title string
- The top of the list is the book table of contents, so that’s no surprise.
- Many studies and events are documented.
- Maybe it’s simply because of the sheer volume.
- The 🌀 and 🤖 are not so important because they are increasing mechanically.
- I guess I’ll leave it out of the translation.
- When you get rid of the mechanical pages, it’s usually a lengthy article about a study group or event.
- These are not frequently updated.
- The fact that it contains the titles of various pages means that you can jump to various pages from here.
- You could try to see if you can translate it with the normal system, and if it’s too big to translate, you could split it up manually and translate it.
- Title translation costs
13379/17510 pages are Japanese titles
- Link titles, including those that are not page titles and red links, were obtained based on page crawl data.
- 28178/33584 are Japanese titles
- I’ll translate this one too.
- Translation of all links, done in my sleep.
next pEnglish2023-12-18
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/pEnglish2023-12-13 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.