non-numerical= innumerable
「 innumerable feature (e.g. in a programming language) 」は、「 experience 」が明確な境界や単位を持たず、どこを「1単位の経験」と切り出すか確定していない(=「 innumerable 」である)という「経験の特徴」である。経験は根本的に明確な境界を持たない。経験は個々の事象ではなく、連続的な流れの一部である。経験をどのように切り出し、解釈するかは、個々の認識や理解に大きく依存する。
- The non-numerical character of experience(innumerable feature (e.g., in a programming language)) in Study Session 2 on “Experiential Processes and the Creation of Meaning”. programming language)]) in [Study Session 2 on “Experiential Processes and the Creation of Meaning”.
- > How many are these? One? Two? Many?
- > When seen dimly, it appears to be two strokes; at a distance, it appears to be a single doughnut-like shape; when seen clearly, it appears to be a series of strokes.
2023-10-06 02:35
Digest 1
In Study Session 2 of “Experiential Processes and the Creation of Meaning,” I explained “myriad features.” Depending on one’s perspective, it may appear to be one, two, or many.
Digest 2
. Myriad Features” is explained in detail in Study Group 2 and Study Group 3 of “The Experience Process and the Creation of Meaning. Myriad Characteristics is the concept that experience has no clear boundaries or units, and that there is no fixed point at which a single unit of experience can be separated from the rest. This is also shown in the “Schematic Diagram of Myriad Features” and “Multiplicity(v1)“. Also, in “atomic v.s. non-numerical,” it is emphasized that experience has no fundamentally clear boundaries.
deep thinking
Experience is myriad, and its characteristics and units vary according to perspective and interpretation. This indicates that experience is not an individual event, but part of a continuous flow. In addition, how one isolates and interprets experience is highly dependent on individual perceptions and understandings.
one-line summary
. Experience is myriad, and its interpretation depends on perspective and perception.
. The myriad nature of experience and the diversity of its interpretations.”
extra info
titles: ["Myriad Features"], ""Experience Process and Meaning Making" Study Group 2", ""Experience Process and Meaning Making" Study Group 3", "Schematic Diagram of Myriad Features", "Multiplicity(v1)", "Kozaneba:IOFI", "atomic v.s. non-numerical", " Aspects of Experience", "Isn't there a myriad of them?" , "Second-order derivative of the utility function"]
generated: 2023-10-06 02:35
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