newmo Sogawa Keisuke “Being faithful to what you want to do does not necessarily guarantee success” Former Merpei CTO’s view on how to find a place where you can shine - engineertype | job change type []
crypt_cpa definite future, It can be said that there is zero market risk and only execution risk.
This means that if we can assemble the strongest team that can make that future a reality, we will be assured of victory.
risk premium almost zero and valuation is determined by the market size.
So NEWMO is fighting a battle called “The Battle of the States”. Maybe. - future that has already happened
0x__tom “newmo raises 10 billion yen in Series A even though it hasn’t accomplished anything” is a hot topic, but newmo is more like a PE fund than a startup. I think newmo is more like a PE fund than a startup.
The style is to buy a low PBR company in the cab industry, a huge market but slow to DX, and then make up with AI and ridesharing to raise valuations.
Moreover, because Mr. Aoyagi has an overwhelming track record, he is able to raise in the 10 billion range, and VCs have no reason not to include him because he has no large investments.
Hence I don’t think it makes any sense to compare newmo’s model to the typical startup model.
In the future, we expect this kind of acquisition→value enhancement trend to accelerate with the advent of AI.
When we hear the word “startup”, we think of growth through business efforts, but I think that PE fund-like activities such as growth through financing strategies will also be required in the future.
Creating something from scratch is not the only way to start up.
newmohq newmo’s ridesharing has finally started in earnest! Our representative, Mr. Aoyagi, is also driving around town as a driver. We hope everyone in Osaka will give us a ride!
The first day of the driver start was closely followed by Mainichi Broadcasting System. The broadcast date will be announced later. Please look forward to it!
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/newmo using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.