from Kozaneba: The Formation of Chinese Hua Yan through the Fusion of the Hua Yan Sutra and Zhuangzi main southern gate of the Heian Palace’s reception compound Encyclopædia Britannica, International Encyclopedia, encyclopedia, subentries, and commentary on “Jugenmon”
(1) All phenomena are in accord with each other to form the auspiciousness (Simultaneous Gusoku Sufficiently Suited Gate). (2) The spatial opposition of wide and narrow is also mediated by the contradiction between the two. (3) In the workings of phenomena, the one based on universal truth universalizes itself in many things at the same time and contains many within itself, so that the one and many are inseparable (一多相容不同門). (5) When one appears as a phenomenon, the other is hidden, but they are simultaneously integrated into each other. (4) Each phenomenon is integrated with each other (諸法相相即自在自在門) (7) Every single phenomenon reflects on each other like a net of jewels and is never exhausted. (8) That the immediate and immediate entry of phenomena must be understood through phenomena (託事顕法生解門) (6) The one and the many intermingle with each other in an orderly fashion without destroying each phase. (9) The past, present, and future are each included in the third generation, resulting in the ninth generation, and the ninth generation is integrated into a single thought, resulting in the tenth generation, but the temporal distinction is clearly maintained while the tenth generation is contained within the single thought (Jyusei Segregated Dharma Differentiation). (10) All phenomena are smoothly connected with each other while being in harmony with each other (Chikan Enmei Guttekumon)
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