Dogenâs Sex Ki Philosophy Based on Dogen, by Kosei Ishii (1/2 page): Chugai Nippo
From the late 1980s to the 1990s, âCritical Buddhismâ flourished at Komazawa Universityâs Department of Buddhist Studies. It all started with the publication in March 1986 by Professor Noriaki Hakamaya of a paper entitled âA Critical Perspective on the Understanding of Zen monk, 1200-1253. This paper asserted that Dogen had been critical of Zen monk thought throughout his life, and that this was the decisive point of view for Dogen studies.
The tathagatagarbha (buddha-womb, the potential within all living things to become a buddha) is the theory that all living things are endowed with the wisdom of the Buddha. In the Hongaku school of thought, which developed uniquely in Japan, people were originally Buddhas, and the phenomena before their eyes were the world of enlightenment as it is.
The author has paid attention to the basic structure of the Shobogenzo, paying attention to the roles of the Lotus Sutra and the Kegon Sutra (Komazawa University Zen Research Institute Annual Report, No. 35, âThe Basic Structure of the Shobogenzo: The Lotus Sutra and the Kegon Sutraâ). In the âAvatamska sutra,â the focus is on the idea of sex-oriented thought as expounded by the sex-oriented article in the Avatamska sutra.
- Kosei Ishii, Professor Emeritus, Komazawa University
The Seon-gi-pithecarya was circulated early in India as a single-volume sutra, and is known to have influenced the Nyorai-gura and Buddha-nature theories. Its characteristic feature is that although the wisdom of Tathagata permeates all beings of life, they are unaware of it because they are hidden by worldly desires, so Tathagata makes this known to them through his teachings, making them equal to Tathagata. In other words, while the Nyorai-gura and Buddha-nature theories emphasize the existence of the wisdom of the Buddha in the body of a living being in a form covered with vexations, the emphasis in the nyorai-ki philosophy is on the side of the Nyorai. In contrast, in the nyogen-ki philosophy, the emphasis is on the side of the Buddha. The emphasis is on the cycle in which the Buddha works on living beings permeated with his wisdom to make them equal to him, and then they, having become the Buddha, further âŠ
- Not planting seeds where there are none, but removing (reveal) them because they are there but covered.
Throughout Mahavairocana Sutra, Dogen emphasizes âemanation, practice, bodhi, and nirvanaâ in a manner reminiscent of the claims of Chi-yan. It is not the case, as in the general Zen school, that âonce you have seen your own Buddha nature, that is the end,â nor is it the case, as in the Hongaku school of thought, that you are originally a Buddha. It is precisely because the wisdom of the Buddha has been extended to oneself that one must, like the Buddhas of the past, especially the Buddha Shakyamuni, continue on the path of âarising, practicing, bodhi, and nirvana.
- This is another Wrong 2 of sorts.
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