Grounded theory (GT) is a methodology for qualitative research developed in the 1960s by sociologists Bernie Glaser and Anselm Strauss. The approach focuses on generating theory directly from data and is widely used, especially in the social sciences and nursing, etc. GT aims to develop an understanding of a phenomenon and build theory on it, simultaneously collecting and analyzing data and developing theory through an iterative process. The theory is developed through an iterative process of simultaneous data collection and analysis.
Grounded Theory Approach, GTA Modified GTA: M-GTA and various other variants
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Embodied Categorizing in the Grounded Theory Method: Methodical Hermeneutics in Action. (APA)
In this article it is argued that attention to embodied experiencing enhances the quality of categorizing in the grounded theory method of qualitative research. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson’s model of experiential cognition is applied to the structural features of embodied categorizing, while Eugene Gendlin’s philosophy of experiential phenomenology is extended to use of embodied experiencing in the process of creating and evaluating categories. This use is demonstrated. The method’s procedure of categorizing is connected more tightly with its methodology, seen by the authors as methodical hermeneutics, and with its epistemology, seen as an accommodation of realism and relativism. The article concludes with practical implications for the practice of categorizing in the grounded theory method.
This article argues that attention to experiential experience improves categorization quality in the grounded theory method of qualitative research. It applies the experiential cognitive model of George Raycoff and Mark Johnson to the structural properties of experiential categorization and extends the philosophy of experiential phenomenology of Eugene Gendlin. to the use of experiential experience in the category creation and evaluation process. It demonstrates this usage and links it more closely to systematic hermeneutics as a methodology and its epistemology, which is seen as a reconciliation of realism and relativism. The article concludes with practical implications for the practice of categorization in the grounded theory method.
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