from FtCTokyo Day1 / Funding the Commons Tokyo 2024 Yuriko Koike @FtCTokyo Greetings From a Surprise Guest
This is the content of a speech given by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike. The main points are as follows
Koike welcomes participants to the “Funding the Commons” conference and encourages them to enjoy their stay in Tokyo. This section describes the major initiatives of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government:
- Climate change measures: Promote the use of hydrogen energy, aiming for zero emissions by 2050.
- Measures to address the declining birthrate: Provide seamless support from marriage to child rearing.
- Promotion of digitization: full digitization of administrative procedures, use of AI, establishment of “GovTech Tokyo”, etc.
To promote the use of open data, we hold events such as hackathons. He cites the coexistence of tradition and innovation and the large number of Michelin-starred restaurants (183, more than in Paris) as Tokyo’s attractions. The event is a start-up event called “Sushi Tech Tokyo” and announces the next dates (May 8 and 9, 2025). He concluded by expressing his hope that the conference will be productive, and his expectations for the collective wisdom of the participants in working toward a sustainable future.
This speech introduces Tokyo’s efforts to welcome international conference participants and showcase Tokyo’s attractions.
nishio Special Guest!FtCTokyo
nishio It is very nice to express that although we fought in the election, we are not enemies but friends who are aiming for the same ideals. I hear Koike talking about civic tech and open data hackathons.
- SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 | Sustainable High City Tech Tokyo
- SusHi Tech is Sustainable Hi tech.
homata It has begun. Greetings from the Governor of Tokyo!
Funding the Commons Tokyo 2024 #FtCTokyo
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