A person A who created some knowledge X as a result of thinking about it, and a person B who saw it and knew that “it already exists.” and person B who saw it and knew that “it is already there”.
Person A who made it has a Knowledge Network.
- The X that floats on the surface of the water is the result, there is a lot of thinking going on below the surface.
- Pyramid of knowledge is building up.
Not sure if person B who knew has a knowledge network.
- Can present Related Knowledge if available
- A “I think it’s like this” B “Oh, it’s a concept called X, and you can use it to draw the conclusion that, for example, choice Z is better in situation Y.”
- People who cannot present relevant knowledge
Raises suspicion that there may be no network
Why does B sometimes act like a big jerk to A?
- has demonstrated that A has knowledge production capacity, whereas B has not.
- The world as a whole would be richer if resources were concentrated in A.
- Since the knowledge generated by A enriches the future B
- It is better to give Peripheral Knowledge more and more so that A’s production capacity is not consumed by “reproduction of what has already been produced
- A B that can do that is a “good B.”
- B who cannot do it but makes statements that discourage A is a “bad B.”
- Bad B’s are harmful to the world.
- Because of the personal greed of personal pride, we are dragging the producers down and undermining the public interest.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/知識を知ってた人と作った人 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.