A joke that’s been told since Windows 3.1.



2023-09-04 11:10 omni.icon

Summary of notes

. He stated that improvements in version 3 are important.

Relation to Fragment

. The note and the “improvement experience” fragment are related. The note states that improvements in version 3 are important, while the fragment states that improvements from version 1 to version 3 are important.

deep thinking

Improvement through versioning is a process not only to add new features, but also to maintain existing features and make them better. This is important not only to improve the quality of the product, but also to improve the user experience.

summary of thoughts and title

. Versioning is an evolution of the product.

extra info

titles: ["3rd"], "Improvement experience", "Hatena2009-09-11", "Keichobot on GPT-3.5-Turbo consulted Keichobot on GPT-3.5-Turbo development policy", "The gap in perception of the meaning of the term ChatGPT", "Three legs ", "2018-10-05", "3 points of collaboration", "3 legs needed to stabilize", "Hatena2009-05-13", "Hatena2009-03-29", "WHAT UTILITARIANISM IS"] generated: 2023-09-04 11:10

previous notes

Version 3 will be decent.

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