nishio @tokoroten
Regardless of the field, if a weak force wants to fight in a situation where there is an existing strong force, guerrilla warfare may be chosen. Weapons are taken from the enemy, local warfare is repeated in periphery where the density of enemy forces is low, and those villages are sympathize by propaganda rather than occupy by resident army.
nishio Ah, I see, indeed. The higher value of life in the flesh is shifting the battlefield not to that realm, but to a more inexpensive realm of life. Like [drones] or digital or compartmentalized ownership of life.
- Choice of Guerrilla Tactics - First, it is noted that when a weak force fights a strong force, guerrilla warfare is chosen. This is where a weak force with limited resources chooses [[asymmetric warfare]] to exploit an enemy's weakness. This includes using [[propaganda]] to rally support.
- Consideration of the value of life - The next point is that the value of life influences tactics. If the value of a living life is high, strategies may change to avoid the risk of losing it.
- Changing battlefield - Finally, the increased value of life points to a shift in the battlefield from the physical battlefield to the "cheaper" realm of "life," e.g., [[drones]] and the digital realm. The expression "[[compartmentalized ownership of life]]" here could refer to the use of life as a strategic resource across multiple domains. In other words, the emphasis will be on conducting war in ways that do not involve direct human sacrifice.
This dialogue provides insight into the impact of the value of life on tactics and the resulting changes on the battlefield in modern warfare and conflict. In particular, it highlights how advances in technology are providing new tactical options and changing the nature of warfare.
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