The main points of the 2024 Democracy Report are as follows
- democracy levels have receded to 1985 levels. This is especially true in Eastern Europe and South and Central Asia. On the other hand, democracy levels have risen in Latin America and the Caribbean, contrary to the overall trend.
- 60 countries are in the process of political regime transformation: 42 countries are undergoing dictatorships, affecting 35% of the world’s population, or 2.8 billion people. On the other hand, only 18 countries, 5% of the world’s population, or 400 million people, are undergoing democratization.
- 28 of the 42 countries were democracies at the start of the dictatorship. Only 15 of these countries remained democracies as of 2023. Electoral management autonomy has declined significantly in 22 countries.
- 7 of the 9 democratizing countries have transitioned from dictatorships; 18 countries have a combined population of 30 million, just 0.38% of the world’s population. Freedom of expression and media freedom have improved significantly in a majority of democratizing countries.
- 25 countries are “near misses” in becoming dictatorships and 9 countries are “near misses” in becoming democracies. 2024 is the biggest election year in the last 100 years. 31 of 60 countries have declining levels of democracy, with only 3 countries improving. Elections are an important event that can be a trigger for democratization or a means for dictatorship.
Overall, the 2024 Democracy Report outlines that while there is a noticeable democratic setback, there are some bright spots. In particular, the report points out that the trends in national elections in 2024 will largely determine the future course of democracy.
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