The concept of dividing a task into four parts, one on the axis of urgency and the other on the axis of importance.
- Figure from Seven Habits p. 215
- Time Management Matrix
- [[emergency]] means "something that appears to require immediate attention."
- An [[important]] is "something that is tied to your [[mission]], [[values]], [[priority]], and [[achievement]] of a high [[target]]."
- When time is invested in the second area (non-urgent but important), effectiveness increases and the first area (urgent and important) decreases.
- The time to do the second area can only be taken away from the third or fourth area.
- That would mean saying “no.”
- The first and third will work, but the second will not. You have to be proactive to do it.
Urgent = wedging oneself in. Measure and avoid interruptions → Pomodoro Technique.
It is also called [Eisenhower Matrix. However, there is no evidence that Eisenhower used this.
His statements are often mentioned as the basis
The most urgent decisions are seldom the most important ones.
People who achieve great results focus on opportunities, not problems.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/緊急・重要マトリクス using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.