Understand what MVP (Minimum Viable Product) means. And why I prefer Earliest Testable / Usable / Lovable. | design research, prototyping, service design ANKR DESIGN
- A translation of an article written by the author of this famous painting
- English: Making sense of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) - and why I prefer Earliest Testable/Usable/Lovable - Crispâs Blog
It may in fact happen that the car will be exactly the same as what was initially desired. However, it is far more likely that the process will gain significant insight and produce something slightly different.
Customers are delighted! Why is that? Because he knew he was getting a taste of the fresh air that hits him in the face during the process, which led to the convertible. The client finally got a car - a car that fits him better than he had originally thought!
- I didnât know that was what you meant. I see this picture a lot, but I didnât read that story.
The second half of the Eariest Testable Product story is also interesting
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