Be careful when UMAP, DBSCAN, HDBSCAN with data such as a vector of +1 for, -1 against, 0 missing This is because this type of data often has “overlapping data at the same point,” and from the perspective of an algorithm that takes k data points in the neighborhood and calculates density, it appears that there are “very dense clusters.
Diagram of a cluster of clusters that seem to make a lot of sense.
The original data is 5000 vectors of 100 dimensions, where “3% are +1, 3% are -1, and the rest are 0
This is what happens when you turn “the point with only one non-zero value” out of this UMAP plot to red
You can see the red dots like cores in what looked like “meaningful clusters.”
If we restrict the UMAP to 4920 “data with two or more non-zero values,” we get this
What appeared to be a meaningful cluster earlier has mostly disappeared, indicating that it was just an artifact.
Counting the number of pieces
There are 8 origin data and some data that happen to overlap by 2 (there were 12).
This is a plot of only these two overlapping points in red
The core of the cluster of artifacts can be seen
This is not a tricky phenomenon that only happens with generated data, but also with real data
Trial and error clustering with DBSCAN for the following UMAPs obtained from real-world data
DBSCAN from 2D data did not work very well, so I was trying in 84D space before dimensionality reduction, but it was disturbing that some parameters produced “clusters that excluded what clearly looked like clusters near the center”.
In the process of trying to figure out what caused this, I found that “what looked like a cluster near the center” was a collection of data with few missing values, and the surrounding complex and meaningful shapes were data with many missing values.
I noticed the above phenomenon from this result, where the density of data with more missing values is higher.
Originally, this data was
, but when I changed it to matrix.dropna(thresh=10)
, the UMAP result is as follows
Almost all of the complex shapes were artifacts.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/賛成反対データのUMAP using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.