Commentary on centralized authoritarian rule by [Vitalik
ethereum founder, “What is Decentralization?” | Nikkei Book Plus
- Difference between distributed and decentralized (decentralization of power type)
- There are three axes.
- Centralized and decentralized architecturally
- Political centralization and de-centralization
- Logically centralized and decentralized
- blockchain
- Politically decentralized (no administrator)
- Architecturally decentralized (no single point of failure for any infrastructure)
- Logically, it’s centralized (there’s a unified, agreed-upon state, and the system operates like a single computer).
I see. You’re a smart guy.
- Current computers are a form of many computers, with the computing and storage devices lumped together.
- This is architecturally decentralized
- Blockchain can be said to be the realization of a “centralized storage device” by connecting these disparate infrastructures together as a higher layer.
- Current computers are a form of many computers, with the computing and storage devices lumped together.
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