from Diary 2023-10-25
Use the following notes to improve your description.
Sharing knowledge and transforming its value
. Peer review is an important process to ensure academic quality, and at the same time, follow-up examinations are essential to ensure that quality. On the other hand, “active reading” is attracting attention as a new reading style. This refers to an approach in which books are edited during the reading process. In particular, works such as “The Plurality Book,” which are provided under a CC-0 license, legally allow active reading in a public forum.
While traditional books were predominantly represented along a one-dimensional time axis, recent tools such as Scrapbox and other platforms form networks of knowledge, and context is made explicit through links. Such network representations, once formed only within individuals, are now proliferating as objects of collaborative editing.
Thinking about the value of knowledge, the cost of replication is very low in the digital age, and the value of the concept of knowledge ownership is relatively declining. In contrast, the value of “utilization” of knowledge is increasing. The value of this utilization comes from matching specific needs with knowledge offerings (seeds). The existence of networks increases the opportunities for this matching.
Recalling Yukito Emorya’s theory of modes of exchange, the sharing of knowledge can also be seen as a kind of mode of exchange. In particular, the gift of knowledge in the public sphere is a factor that enhances the value of knowledge in society as a whole. However, it is undeniable that further material and data are needed on this point.
- I expected to update the content of ver.2, but it was written using only notes
Write your essay using the notes below.
Value of knowledge sharing and networking
. We have shared thoughts and knowledge in many ways. Ancient books have served to preserve knowledge over time and pass it on to future generations. In recent years, online repositories such as arXiv and peer-reviewed scholarly articles have taken on this role. And the importance of follow-up examinations of scientific claims has also been reaffirmed.
In the process of gathering new information and knowledge, methods such as “books as they are being written” and “active reading” are sometimes adopted. In the context of traditional “legacy formats,” however, the focus has been on the transmission of information along a single time axis. In the digital age, however, information and knowledge became interconnected through links, forming a “knowledge network. This network, once formed only within individuals, is now subject to collaborative editing and extended by many people.
This mode of knowledge exchange has an aspect of being a “gift to the public”. Knowledge has the nature of a good, and its value increases with the formation of networks. Particularly in the present age, when the cost of reproducing digital data is very low, the value of knowledge ownership itself has decreased, and its “utilization” has become more important.
And most noteworthy is the “matching of needs and seeds. Knowledge shows its true value when it is matched with a specific need. And knowledge networks play a role in greatly increasing the opportunities for that matching. As a result, the more the network expands and the more the surroundings develop, the greater the relative value of individual knowledge and information.
Thus, networking of knowledge has the potential to increase the value of individual information and knowledge as well as the value of knowledge as a whole. We need to continue to explore new methods and tools to maximize its potential.
be very different
- Quality assurance through peer review and follow-up examinations
- Active reading is reading while editing a book
- Books that are being written
- The Plurality Book
- CC-0
- You can legally do active reading in a public forum.
- Traditional Books
- Expression along a one-dimensional time axis
- ↔Scrapbox
- Knowledge Network
- Context is represented by links
- There is more than one entry point.
- In the past, networks of knowledge were formed within individuals.
- That became the subject of a co-edit.
- Value of Knowledge
- Low cost of reproduction
- Nature of Goods
- The value of ownership goes down.
- Increasing proportion of value from utilization
- Low cost of reproduction
- Value from utilization comes from matching needs and seeds.
- Knowledge is valuable when it is matched with knowledge needs.
- Networking increases matching opportunities.
- interchange format
- Gyojin Karatani: Styles of Exchange
- Gifts to the Public
- You’re missing a few ingredients here.
peer review supplementary examination
Books that are being written active reading
legacy format context (not) even time axis
Expression by link Knowledge Network What was once made in private Co-editing subject
interchange format Gifts to the Public knowledge Nature of Goods Enhanced by networking
Low cost of reproduction The value of ownership goes down. conjugation Matching Needs and Seeds
- Knowledge is valuable when it is matched with knowledge needs.
- Networking increases matching opportunities.
The more your surroundings develop, the more valuable you become.
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