from How to sanction people who bully machines Twitter

  • Inetgate: Application testers are blocked as collateral damage, leading to an epidemic of unsatisfactorily tested services.
  • nishio: I see.
    • But can’t we just say that that’s like saying that if a doctor comes to you with a stick down your throat and brings you to tears, it’s not an assault charge.
    • A future where testers will attend tester faculties and take the national tester exam, then test the software while taking care not to infringe on the rights of the software. w
  • Inetgate: I think that testing an app has defects that are hard to detect if you stay in a particular point of view, and if you have a particular education, it is hard to eliminate the negative effects of a particular point of view that depends on that education.
  • nishio: I see. In other words, human experimentation unrestricted by existing ethics is necessary for the advancement of medical science (no, it is not.
    • You could make it okay to test the software with the consent of the software’s guardian (often the person who created it) in the same way that it’s okay to give a toddler a “painful injection” against his/her will… (That seems abusive if the parents make the child take more painful tests than necessary, because if the child has to do it more times than necessary, it’s like abuse. At what age can they refuse?)

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