from /villagepump/knowledge-output-and-intellectual-production-flow.
How do you connect information acquisition to intellectual production and share --- flow of information input and intellectual production?
- That’s a hard question to answer.
- The structure of something is fundamentally different.
- That’s a hard question to answer.
I cannot find a common pattern in all of my past intellectual production, but not a few cases were “decide what to output first” and “then work hard on the input”.
- Decide to give a one-hour lecture → talk about the history of programming language design
- Lecture at 2010 Security & Programming Camp on “Design Decisions for Languages”
- Later lead to “technology that supports coding”.
- Decided to do a 3-day/2-night workshop → decided to use the KJ method as a base
- Requested to do research on infographics → summarize back to information design
- This is not publicly available…
- You’re talking about going into the business strategy of a particular company, which is why it’s not easy to disclose.
- I’m going to be an interviewer for an on-demand media project → I’m going to read a bunch of books named Interviews. - How to Learn to be an Engineer
- Decide to give a one-hour lecture → talk about the history of programming language design
So “a structure where the output method is undefined and only the input part is separated and done ahead of time” does not fit my experience.
- It’s not specific, but it doesn’t feel so much undefined as undetermined.
is like the output is electronic work or something, so maybe it’s like wanting to know what can be done and what’s hard to do.
- I feel like I’m saving things thinking I’ll use them someday, but in the end I don’t use them and only accumulate trash.
- I assumed a situation where “I can decide my own output as I like,” such as tweeting or blogging in my spare time (I realized that after reading this far).
- It’s not specific, but it doesn’t feel so much undefined as undetermined.
As far as the input part is concerned, microscope and trying to read the Hyakunin Isshu in broken characters would be recognized as input.
- There is “information that has been chopped into small, understandable units and verbalized” and “experiences that have not yet been isolated and often unspoken,” and you may be focusing on the latter because the former transfer cost is low and you’ll search for it when you need it, which is fine.
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