HiroTHamadaJP FtC Tokyo, it starts here!
HiroTHamadaJP Public goods are characterized by non-competitiveness and non-exclusivity, but Funding the commons discusses them together with anti-competitiveness (Weber , 2004).
HiroTHamadaJP I would like to see more discussion around here come to light.
It seems to me that the idea of permissionless web3 and public blockchain should be close to non-exclusivity, so inevitably we have to discuss the differences with the commons and public goods discussions. HiroTHamadaJP I get the feeling that network resources are still not being discussed. HiroTHamadaJP People who are doing public blockchain have to discuss these things, but people who are trading private property on it should not have to. The people who are trading private property on it should not have to do so.
User fees are automatically collected on the cost of gas at the time of trade.
HiroTHamadaJP Maybe if we lack understanding about the nature of goods, Many things break easily. HiroTHamadaJP Of course, I am guessing that economics professors will & will be doing this.
HiroTHamadaJP I understand that the web3 discussion and public goods are around here.
HiroTHamadaJP Finally, this article. Why DeSci is “public” oriented 0xtkgshn Where is this material from? HiroTHamadaJP I made it myself! 0xtkgshn I see. Rather than “public goods will be created on their own~”, the enforceability and freedom of the tax collection function by Ethereum’s smart contracts, the right to issue currency by the ERC20 standard, and the low copy and paste hurdle by the OSS assumption (≒ public chains with government functions will be disrupted and invested in the ecosystem) (≒Public chains with government functions will be disorganized, and they will invest in the ecosystem) 0xtkgshn, and among them, public goods that contribute to the ecosystem but do not themselves make money (see the diagram on the right from the 0xtkgshn), so it is reasonable for the public It is reasonable for the smallest government to support a public good that is a chain itself. I’ve never seen it mentioned in Japanese if you can get to the context like that. HiroTHamadaJP To understand public blockchain science investing, you need to understand how these areas work, so understanding here I think it is essential to understand how this area works. Taking it further from here, in Funding the commons, Pareto-Pian = government with adequate Pareto-optimal resource allocation(?). I was talking about something like. 0xtkgshn Link:.
0xtkgshn: One of the expected reactions was “How can you trust a foundation to play such an executive role in Ethereum?” I think the context was (as a supposed criticism) ‘it’s not centralized’ and ‘liquidity is justice’! 0xtkgshn I can only understand these areas through my senses, as they are almost like a kitchen, but I can feel the atmosphere of these areas from Baraji’s Network State. I can feel the atmosphere of this area from Baraji’s Network State. Why do people want to be enlightened by darkness? (Enlightened by Darkness) | Gendai Shinsho | Kodansha (1/5) 0xtkgshn Oh, there was also this. A diss to Balaji. 0xCommune: At the end. It would be more meaningful for libertarians like Balaji to read Rousseau’s “social contract theory” and think about the origins of the nation rather than confusing it with the word crypto just to protect their property. Eventually. For libertarians like Balaji, it would make more sense to read Rousseau’s “Theory of the Social Contract” and think about the origins of the state, instead of confusing it with the word cryptography just to protect their property.
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