I am using requestAnimationFrame in a third party library to do asynchronous processing. In my test code, I want to check the value or perform some other operation after the process is finished. What should I do? Note that this asynchronous processing is just a function, and the return value is used for another purpose and should not be changed.
I created a function to create a promise that exposed resolve on request from within the test code, and added code on the side of the third-party implementation that says “call if resolve is not null”. I don’t like to change the arguments and return values of third-party asynchronous processing functions because the scope of modification is too large. This way, you only need to modify a few lines. The fix is not to rewrite the third-party code directly, but to replace it in a jest.spyOn-like manner. In this case, I had already replaced it for another purpose, so I used that.
test("foo", async () => {
let p = getCanvasViewUpdatePromise();
await p;
let _canvasViewUpdatePromise;
let _resolve: ((arg: unknown) => void) | null = null;
export const getCanvasViewUpdatePromise = () => {
_canvasViewUpdatePromise = new Promise(res => {
_resolve = res;
}).then(() => {
_resolve = null;
return _canvasViewUpdatePromise;
if (_resolve !== null) {
from Jest Memo
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/サードパーティライブラリの中の非同期処理をテストする using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.