Survey on Factors Related to Mobility of Innovation Talent - Science and Technology Policy - Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
The organization is designed to allow members and teams to move autonomously. The individual results of “this kind of value was created as a result of individual efforts” are evaluated after the fact.
Rather than viewing parallel work as a “knowledge outflow,” the lab views it as an opportunity for “knowledge inflow” to incorporate knowledge from outside the organization (international standards for browsers and programming languages, internationally developed OSS, machine learning, cryptography theory, etc.) that is useful for developing Cybozu web apps, and The results of the research are linked to the development of their own applications such as kintone.
Implications for the mobility of innovation talent (mobility measures):.
Work styles that make the most of individuality: Implement 100 different personnel systems for 100 people. Reduce work to 3 days a week, parallel work with personal business, etc.
50% rule: A system where at least 50% of work time can be spent on a theme of your choice.
Implications for Human Resource Mobility
Allowing dual jobs on the side will create projects between corporate universities through human resources and promote mobility and knowledge sharing among human resources.
Factors affecting the mobility of Cabinet Office [Innovation Human Resources
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