from Diary 2024-02-23
Structuring links between composite worlds: Exploring AI collaboration using Scrapbox
Multiple subjective “worlds” are linked to each other by links, and there is a need for a way to structure this information through Scrapbox to make it easier to pass on to AI.
Multiple Worlds - The world is divided.
- A link will be posted.
- All of them?
- Subjective world
- link
- Icon of the person
- Not editable.
- The World of Primary Sources
- An edited version should be made.
Need URL to make it easier to pass Scrapbox searches to AI.
ver.1 解説
It contains a bit of abstraction, but I will try to explain it based on my interpretation. The text seems to relate to the structuring and management of information, especially the concept of “multiple worlds” There is also a reference to Scrapbox, so I will attempt to combine these elements in my explanation.
multiple worlds
- The world is fragmented: “world” here could refer to different domains of information and knowledge. Each domain is independent and each has its own specific information and perspectives.
- Links are made: links (references) exist as a way to link information between different “worlds”. This allows us to move from one domain to another and to understand the relationships between information.
- All? : The question here may be to whether all “worlds” are connected by links. In fact, they may not all be directly connected, but many connections may exist through indirect links.
- Subjective world: This is the “world” based on personal experiences and perceptions. This is a set of information from an individual’s point of view and may be different from others.
- Links: it is suggested that the personal “world” is also linked to other sources and “worlds”.
- Icon of the person: An icon may be used as a symbol to indicate an individual’s point of view or source of information.
Manage Information
- Not editable: Primary sources and basic information are usually protected, indicating that direct editing is not allowed.
- Edits should be made: however, it is important to create new content and interpretations based on the original information. This encourages the formation of secondary information, analysis and opinion.
Related to Scrapbox
- Scrapbox is a tool that facilitates structuring information, creating links, and collaborative editing. In this context, they seem to be exploring ways to use Scrapbox to manage “multiple worlds” and efficiently create links between information. It also mentions the need for a URL to make it easier to search Scrapbox and pass that information to the AI. This may be a requirement to make the information on Scrapbox readily available to external systems and tools.
This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/複合世界間のリンク構造化: Scrapboxを用いたAI連携の探求](複合世界間のリンク構造化: Scrapboxを用いたAI連携の探求) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.