I don’t have time to go around pointing it out, so I’ll keep this brief (2023-05-02).
- All over the world, people are talking about OpenAI’s GPT-4, saying “The latest AI is bad” or “How about stopping further development for six months” (released 2023-03-13).
- Unpaid ChatGPT uses one step older GPT-3.5.
- The GPT-4 is known to be the smartest when used in English and the dumbest when used in Japanese.
GPT-4 - GPT-4 is smarter to use in English.
- GPT-3.5 makes it even two more dim-witted when used in English.
- Some people who use this GPT-3.5 in Japanese to review on the latest AI should realize that they are recognized by those who use GPT-4 as “someone who is late and misguided” and stop their sterile review.
We do not have a problem here with people who think 3.5 is the “newest AI on the scene,” especially those who claim that it is “not as smart as everyone makes it out to be. I take issue with those who claim that it is “not as smart as everyone makes it out to be”.
I had a similar thought some weeks ago, but thought that if I left it alone, it would eventually be eliminated. I decided to write this because it is not decreasing very much.
Author’s screen as of 2023-05-29
- Default and Plugins in GPT-4 (ChatGPT Plugins)
- WebPilot Plugin lets you read links and create Japanese summaries of English articles.
(Old story below @ 2023-05-02)
how to tell them apart
@tokoroten: I’m playing with ChatGPT, and whenever I take a squiggle, I make sure the string “GPT-4” is included and the icon I make sure it comes out right.
- I just found a post that “consciously uses different things” and “specifies what they use” so I’ll use that to explain.
- https://twitter.com/tokoroten/status/1651872815862407168
- GPT-4 icon is black
- GPT-3.5 icon is green
@nojiri_h: all I see on NHK news programs are green icons (GPT-3.5). If that makes you look down on them, it makes sense, but I say wow wow wow. If they use GPT-4 in that sense, they’ll call it AGI.
- Is that the situation at …? The media looks at something that is lapsed and not great and says it’s great, and then people who see it say it’s not as great (as the media says it is). Both are left behind by the world.
A story I wrote a month ago - Gap in perception of the meaning of the term ChatGPT
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/無課金のChatGPTを日本語で試してわかった気になるのをやめろ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.