- Part of [Generate Regroup map from ✅ chat logs
Version 7
I opened up the lines, but it wouldn’t make much sense if I didn’t open them up more.
Version 5,6 - ✅ Make a sticky with selected keywords - ✅ Briefly sticky note some of the questions.
Version 4
Add a sticky note at the first occurrence of keywords that are footnoted in the score
something that comes to mind
- It would be nice if you could select “spawn” from the menu of a sticky that contains sentences longer than a certain length, and it would open a multi-line import dialog with the contents of the sticky.
- So, if we keep data on what kind of division we’ve done, we can use it for training data. It’s done.
Version 3
- Changed to [Assistance in dividing long sentences into stickies
- This is local feature extraction per utterance
- I still prefer this one.
- Over here, features across the entire dialogue are discarded.
- So why not just take out the high scoring keywords from version 2?
- Version 2 should be “more than twice” but should be footnoted by score, not number of times.
Version 2
Limited to only those that appeared at least twice.
- Many fragments are too short because they are the result of keyword extraction
Version 1
It would be better to limit the list to those keywords that appear more than once.
The “full text of responses” on the far right is naturally more detailed, but on the Regroup, you can zoom in and read it, and by ensuring that “worst-case scenario, this is all the information you need,” you will not have to worry about losing information, or go back and forth between the chat log and the Regroup to compare them.
Version 0 (move from Generate Regroup map from ✅ chat logs)
- Questions, answers, engraved responses, and high scoring keywords
- At first, I imagined putting in all the keywords, but when I actually tried it, it looked like garbage, so I decided to just put in the ones with the highest scores.
- The same thing is not shown repeatedly.
- Maybe “place,” “relationship,” and “time.”
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Keichoのログから生成するRegroupマップの付箋レイアウト using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.