- Tools for Quadratic Funding in [Fiat https://github.com/supermodularxyz/simplegrants
Log of attempts to move it at hand.
See this.
See Backend’s README
You have to use Node version >= 17.5!
% node -v
all you need to do is to change the payment provider in
to the provider you want to use.
export class ProviderService {
constructor(private readonly prisma: PrismaService) {
this.paymentProvider = new StripeProvider({
secret: process.env.PAYMENT_KEY,
country: 'US',
You need to set this up to use Stripe, but ignore it for now.
% npm install
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE package: 'next-auth@4.18.8',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '^12.19.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.13.0 || ^18.12.0' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v21.2.0', npm: '10.2.3' }
Why do I have to install next-auth with npm to get Docker up and running? Ignore it for now.
$ npm run docker:up
The container stood up.
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn install
$ cp .env.example .env.local
$ yarn dev -p 3001
At least I got it up and running.
What is API key required?
- Find out what to put in
. - The device intelligence platform | Fingerprint
- Oh, this one.
- Resolvedâś….
- Why do you put it in, like you don’t want multiple accounts created because it’s QF?
Somewhere around here, you can delete the clone from the original. https://github.com/Naokiakazawa/simplegrants/tree/verification (akazawa-san was sitting next to me, so I decided it would be more efficient)
get sign up to work
It’s not in the .env sample, but [code https://github.com/supermodularxyz/simplegrants/blob/main/frontend/pages/api/auth/%5B… .nextauth%5D.ts], but I’m reading the configuration from process.env
- OAuth 2.0
Setting up OAuth 2.0 - Google Cloud Platform Console Help
I set up a mess and put in GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
, but '"ikm" must be at least one byte in length'
- What needed to be set up and how?
- Ah,
. - How to get it?
- They say random is good.
$ openssl rand -base64 32
- Or this: https://generate-secret.vercel.app/32
We made it this far.
- I guess I need to set the redirect url.
- I got a sample.
frontend also needs to be run on docker
. There is no mention of that in the README.
- It says to
yarn install
andyarn dev -p 3001
, so it seems to work normally. - But in frontend’s .env it references DATABASE_CONTAINER (why? What is Prisma doing?) .env.local
# Prisma ENV
- Therefore, access must be passed from the frontend with the container’s name.
- Configure
networks: simplegrants
-like settings in docker-compose.yaml, etc., this is important, maybe - This is the reason why I get a toaster with “Network Error” when I start frontend, maybe
- Configure
docker compose with project root
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
Then initialize DB with root/backend
$ cd backend
$ yarn setup
All migrations have been successfully applied.
Environment variables loaded from .env
Running seed command `ts-node prisma/seed` ...
An error occurred while running the seed command:
Error: Command failed with ENOENT: ts-node prisma/seed
spawn ts-node ENOENT
- I get this error?
redirect_uri_mismatch continued
- Once made the mistake of turning
. - one step further
Publishing status: In production
no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet
- The login dialog completed without error, but
2024-01-31 02:44:34.623 UTC [93] FATAL: no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet
- It’s dying trying to write user data…
- cause
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
- Here we are using
, so .env.local is read, not .env.production. - FIX: POSTGRES_USER/POSTGRES_PASSWORD in .env.production also in .env.local
I was able to do it by starting over from docker compose!
- You don’t have the sample data in there, do you?
- I’ve confirmed that Swagger comes up on localhost:3000/api.
- What we haven’t done yet: Stripe setup
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/SimpleGrants using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.