- guerrilla warfare
- Don’t fight a battle you can’t lose.
- keep moving constantly. hit-and-run, attack and retreat.
- multi-power 、 movement 、 nomad
- [The enemy is the main supplier of weapons.
- Weapons are taken from the enemy.
- hide the movement.
- Utilize surprise attack in military actions.
- If there is room, create a new vertical squadron.
- To “create a new vertical” means to create a new combat unit or organization.
- Guerrilla warfare is conducted in small combat units, which often move independently
- Distribute combat power to deal more effectively with threats
- 独立行動をするユニットを作るってことだな
- Teamwork arising from stand-up play
- To “create a new vertical” means to create a new combat unit or organization.
- In general, three things should be kept in mind while proceeding. Namely,
While helpful in some respects, a common problem with many book on military strategy is that it assumes a situation where there is a clear “enemy”. As for “weapons should be taken from the enemy.”
- War is envisioned, so it is described as “the enemy.”
- Translated into the context of the management of resource-poor organizations argument, “resources should be acquired from outside.”
- This “outside” is a “partner” that provides resources, so it is often not appropriate to describe it as an “enemy”.
- Also, in the case of war, there is one enemy, but there can be multiple external resource sources - parallel work
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