from Isn’t membership-based employment necessary to accumulate knowledge and social relationships? Retention strategies are needed regardless of whether it is a job-based or membership-based strategy.

nishio In order to store knowledge capital and social-relationship capital in a company, doesn’t it inevitably have to be membership-based employment rather than job-based?

masanork That is not true. In areas where both knowledge and social capital can be accumulated within the industry, where similar jobs are available in various companies, and where the job market is structured in such a way that knowledge can be utilized even after changing jobs. And the tech sector seems to be relatively manageable.

nishio If “the job market is structured so that knowledge is still active after a job change,” doesn’t this have a negative effect on “knowledge capital and social capital **in the company” because employees can change jobs at low risk? In the company”, doesn’t this have a negative effect on “accumulating knowledge and social capital in the company”?

masanork Although there is pressure from the market, I think they offer remuneration, attractive positions, RSUs, etc. to those employees that they really want to keep. I think that’s what they are trying to do.

nishio Indeed. It was an overstatement to say that “we must inevitably become a membership-based employment rather than a job-based employment” because if we offer higher compensation than the market pay level, we can keep people connected even in a job-based employment.

masanork In fact, even if it is a job type, there are asymmetric information, learning curves for organizational specific knowledge, compatibility, personal burden, and many other factors. In fact, even if it is a job type, there are asymmetric information, learning curves for organizational specific knowledge, compatibility, your own workload, and many other factors.

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